Ensuring pure water for healthy living.

Ensuring pure water for healthy living.

Ensuring pure water for healthy living.

Rios is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring cleaner water. Together, we can address toxins and pollutants, making sure your water is safe and clean.


We believe that clean water is a fundamental right, not a privilege, and are committed to providing pure water for healthy living.

We believe that clean water is a fundamental right, not a privilege, and are committed to providing pure water for healthy living.


Advocating for transparency in water sources, emphasising importance of knowing what's really in our water, from tap to table.

Advocating for transparency in water sources, emphasising importance of knowing what's really in our water, from tap to table.


We prioritise health by addressing the issue of contaminated tap and bottled waters, ensuring the water is free from numerous contaminants.

We prioritise health by addressing the issue of contaminated tap and bottled waters, ensuring the water is free from numerous contaminants.

Rios App

Your water safety companion

Your water safety companion

A quick scan reveals water quality ratings of any water. Our extensive database assesses water purity, keeping you informed about your drinking water.

Ensuring Every Sip Supports Your Health

Ensuring Every Sip Supports Your Health

Rios is a non-profit organization committed to ensuring cleaner water. We’re dedicated to making sure that what you drink positively contributes to your well-being, free from harmful contaminants. Together, we can address toxins and pollutants, ensuring your water is clean.

Rios is a non-profit organization committed to ensuring cleaner water. We’re dedicated to making sure that what you drink positively contributes to your well-being, free from harmful contaminants. Together, we can address toxins and pollutants, ensuring your water is clean.

Read about Rios

Support Transparency from Source to Sip

Support Transparency from Source to Sip


Ensuring Every Sip Supports Your Health

Clean and safe water is essential for health. We're focused on ensuring that what you drink contributes positively to your well-being, free from harmful contaminants.

Read about Rios

Enhance your water safety with our app, offering comprehensive checks to ensure it's clean and safe for everyday use.

Copyright 2024, Rios Foundation Inc

8520 Allison Pointe Blvd Ste 223
PMB 130922

Indianapolis, IN 46250 United States

Copyright 2024, Rios Foundation Inc

8520 Allison Pointe Blvd Ste 223
PMB 130922

Indianapolis, IN 46250 United States